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  • jsilva99


Updated: Nov 24, 2018

We already mentioned the numerous advantages of electric scooters when it comes to saving money and helping the environment in our previous blog posts – however, it doesn’t end there. E-bikes Tulum are also the perfect choice for Millennials because they are a great mix of trendy, practical and innovative.

Electric scooters meet the needs of the young urban generation since they are fashionable and equipped with modern technology that makes driving them even more enjoyable. Aside from the standard models, we also offer a limited edition of custom painted e-scooters designed by the contemporary artist Amauri Torezan for those who really want to stand out in the crowd and own a unique bike that can’t be found anywhere else on the planet. This special edition of E-bikes Tulum scooters is an ideal blend of fine art and advanced technology, since the products serve both as means of transportation and pieces of art on wheels.

Each of our e-bikes includes Bluetooth speakers and USB ports where you can connect your phone and listen to your favorite songs while cruising the streets of your city. Their design also makes them different from the classic scooters in the sense that they encourage the driver to put their muscles to work while driving – this doesn’t mean you will get as tired as pedaling around on a bike, but will still get some exercise every time you hop on your electric scooter.

Yet another advantage of e-bikes and scooters is their compact size. The life of an average modern citizen includes a whole lot of rushing and moving from place to place; sometimes you just don’t have that extra five minutes to find parking or have to change between a few buses or subway trains to get to your destination. This is where e-bikes come into play – just hop off, fold it and go. It’s that easy J

Despite the fact that more and more people are hopping on the e-bike wave with each day and they will very likely become a regular part of the everyday trafficvery soon, they still attract a lot of attention in the street, from different types of crowds, making them a perfect choice for the fashion-forward individuals who love to be ahead of the game.

As not only the latest, but the greatest trend in biking technology, e-bikes aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Safe, fun, innovative and easy to use, they are ready to take over the streets in the near future. If you still have doubts, visit our e-scooter store in Tulum and take one for a spin – guaranteed you’ll want to take it home

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