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  • jsilva99

4 Reasons Electric Scooters Will Save You Money

Updated: Nov 14, 2018

Electric scooters are a lot more than just a cool, fun way to get around. These small, lightweight, stand-up scooters are powered by an electric motor and a battery and can save you a lot of money over the long term. Here are four ways an electric scooter can save you money.

No Parking Fees

If you're wondering how to save money on transportation, one of the top ways is never to have to pay to park. Electric scooters are lightweight and can be folded up and taken with you, so you won't have to pay any parking fees. You can even plug your scooter in at your destination so that it's fully charged and ready to go again when you are.

They Run on Electricity

The first thing about scooters is that they run on electricity, which considering gas prices lately is a much better deal. Add that to the fact that something so small and light needs significantly less of whatever source of power it uses, and you can see how riding a scooter would be significantly less expensive than driving a car.

Low Maintenance

Another significant advantage is how low maintenance scooters are. Compared to a gasoline car, which needs regular oil changes and air filter changes, not to mention a host of other maintenance and repairs as they age, scooters require relatively little work. What work they do need is also cheap in comparison to maintenance on a car.

Lower Up-Front Cost

Of course, scooters also save money in one very important area: They cost significantly less than cars do. If you decide to buy a scooter instead of a car, this can be huge cost savings.

Still Not Convinced? Try Before You Buy

Making the switch to an electric scooter may seem daunting, despite all the money you could save. One way to make sure this is the best option for you is to try before you buy. Tulum E-Bikes offers scooters for rent, enabling you to find the best electric scooter for your needs. And when you decide to buy, we can sell you one, too!

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