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  • jsilva99

How Long Do You Need to Charge an Electric Scooter?

Updated: Nov 22, 2018

Many people worry about the feasibility of charging an electric scooter, afraid that it won't be charged and ready when they need it. The fact is, e-scooters take very little time to charge, significantly less than the time than you would spend at work or home asleep.

Charging Time for Electric Scooters

Most of the electric scooters and electric bikes we carry charge fully in three to five hours, and that's only if the battery is fully depleted to start. Most of the time, you'll have just gone a short way and will only have partially depleted the battery, which means the scooter will charge in much less time. This makes it easy to charge your scooter while you are at work or home asleep, or even while you hang out at a friend's house.

Tips for Charging Your Electric Scooter

A good scooter battery should last you for several years if you take good care of it. Here are some e-scooter charging tips to help prolong the battery's life.

  • Make a habit of plugging it in. It's not good to let your scooter sit in a partially discharged state for long periods of time, so plug it in as soon as you get a chance.

  • Don't leave it plugged in for too long. At the same time, you don't want to overcharge, so be sure to unplug your scooter once it is charged.

  • Keep your scooter out of the elements when not in use. If you store your scooter where the battery is subject to wild swings in temperature, it'll lose its charging capacity much sooner than it would have otherwise.

How to Maximize Your Scooter's Range

Besides maintaining your battery so that you can a longer life out of it, how you care for your battery can also impact you much range you get out of your scooter on a single charge. Here are a few tips.

  • Store your scooter at room temperature. Don't leave your scooter outside! Take advantage of its portability and bring it inside if possible, or at least into the garage. A garaged battery will go farther as well as lasting longer.

  • Take it slow. Faster speeds drain your battery faster because of the wind resistance, so you'll get better range out of your battery if you take it slow.

  • Always start with a full charge. Besides helping to prolong the life of your battery, keeping your battery fully charged will also help you to maximize your driving range.

Does this convenience and eco-friendliness appeal to you? If so, rent or buy an electric scooter from E-bikes Tulum for your next adventure.

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